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HDFC Bank Credit Card

For Do It Yourself Offer Gift Voucher

Starts   On: 01-03-2025
Expires On: 31-03-2025
Offer Posting Date: 30-06-2025

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    The voucher amount has 3 components, and summation of which is the total value
    Total Voucher Value = Do It Yourself Offer Voucher + Easy EMI Voucher + Activation Voucher.


    Do It Yourself Voucher:

    • The offer is only valid on completing the application end-to-end digitally without any help or assistance of a HDFC Bank representative, either verbally or in person. Accordingly, this voucher would be issued towards Go-Green Initiatives.

    The offer is valid on completing a transaction (excluding EMI transactions) of minimum Rs. 500 within the first 14 days from credit card issuance date.

    The gift voucher will be sent to the customer within 90 days of the credit card issuance month. 

    The gift voucher will be issued by our partner Gyftr (Vouchagram India Private Limited), for which customer name, customer contact number and or customer email address will be shared with the voucher partner.  

    Gift voucher is time bound and subject to change. HDFC Bank reserves the right at any time, without prior notice to add, alter, modify, change or vary all or any of these terms and conditions or to replace wholly or in part, the above offer by another offer, whether similar to above offer or not, or to withdraw it altogether. 

    This offer is applicable for customers who apply from the HDFC Bank Website or through communication sent by HDFC Bank through Bank owned channels. This offer is not valid if the credit card has been applied through a DSA or a partner website.

    This voucher is not applicable for the customers who have an existing Credit card with HDFC Bank or have already availed redeemed this type of voucher on any previous HDFC Bank Credit Card. 

    The Do It Yourself Voucher shall be available for HDFC Bank PIXEL credit cardholders only if the customer had applied through the web journey and shall not be applicable if the customer had applied through PayZapp.

    • All the other terms and conditions for the eligibility of availing the Do It Yourself Voucher will be applicable for HDFC Bank PIXEL credit cardholders as well.

    Activation Voucher

    Customer will be eligible for a voucher of INR 250 on performing 1 transaction within the first 37 days from card issuance date.

    Activation vouchers will be issued to customers within 90 working days after the end of card issuance month.

    Activation Voucher offer is applicable only for Freedom, MoneyBack+, Millennia, Diners Club Privilege Card, Regalia Gold, Biz First, Biz Grow, IOCL Card and Biz Giga Card.


    Easy EMI Voucher


    • Rs.1000 worth of voucher on transaction using HDFC Bank EasyEMI for Rs. 20,000 or above within the first 90 days of the card issue date
    • Easy EMI Voucher will be issued to customers within 90 working days after the end of card issuance month.
    • This voucher is not applicable for HDFC Bank PIXEL credit cardholders.
    * TC apply

    Credit Card Lifetime Free Pricing Offer


    1. This offer is only applicable to the recipient communicated by HDFC Bank.
    2. Offer is applicable for employees of select corporates (in case of corporate based LTF)
    3. The Lifetime free offer will be applied to the card within 90 days of the card issuance date.
    4. Customer will be eligible for the LTF on activation within the first 37 days from card issuance date.
    5. This lifetime free offer is time bound and subject to change. HDFC Bank reserves the right at any time, without prior notice to add, alter, modify, change or vary all or any of these terms and conditions or to replace wholly or in part, the above offer by another offer, whether similar to above offer or not, or to withdraw it altogether. 
    6. HDFC holds discretionary right to determine the corporates where this offer will be applicable. Customer can apply through HDFC Banks direct channels including the sales teams, HDFC bank Website or through communication sent by HDFC Bank via Bank owned channels. This offer is not valid if the credit card has been applied through a DSA or a partner website. 
    7. Product Benefits linked to realization of Membership Fee (if any) will not be applicable in the event of opting for LTF Cards.
    8. Issuance of the credit card is subject to completeness of verified customer data including the declared company name and approval on the credit card application.


    First Year Membership Fee Payment Voucher  


    1. Post realization of the First Year Membership Fee, an equivalent amount of Gift Voucher will be issued. This will be issued within 90 days of Membership Fee realization date. Gift Voucher offer is applicable only for Freedom, MoneyBack+, Millennia, Diners Club Privilege Card, Regalia Gold, Indigo 6E Rewards, Indigo 6E Rewards XL, Biz First, Biz Grow, Biz Power, CSC Small Business MoneyBack, HDFC Bank UPI RuPay Credit Card and HDFC Bank UPI RuPay Biz Credit Card.
    2. Renewal Fee shall be levied at the start of every anniversary year if the card does not meet Life Time Free or Renewal fee waiver condition (For more details refer our MITC on )
    3. Membership Fee voucher is not applicable for Lifetime Free Credit Cards or First Year Free cards.
    4. Please refer below table for cards eligible for the First Year Membership Fee Payment Voucher.


    *Terms & Conditions

      1. Membership Fees will be levied along with applicable GST on 120th day of card issuance.

    2. Post realization of the First Year Membership Fee, an equivalent amount of Gift Voucher (GV) will be issued. This will be issued within 90 days of Membership Fee realization date. GV offer is applicable only for Freedom, MoneyBack+, Millennia, Diners Club Privilege Card, Regalia Gold, Indigo 6E Rewards, Indigo 6E Rewards XL, Biz First, Biz Grow, Biz Power, CSC Small Business MoneyBack, HDFC Bank UPI RuPay Credit Card and HDFC Bank UPI RuPay Biz Credit Card

    3. Beyond this MID, Membership Fee waivers may be applicable for select customers as per the Bank's internal guidelines and discretion.

    4. Renewal Fee shall be levied at the start of every anniversary year if the card is not Life Time Free or does not meet Renewal fee waiver condition (For more details refer our MITC on

    5. I hereby agree and give my consent to HDFC Bank to issue me a Business credit card variant a basis my occupation type. I also agree that Business Credit card variants can be issued only to Self Employed / Proprietors / Partners Customers

    6. I acknowledge and agree that Product Benefits linked to realization of Membership Fee will not be applicable in the event of opting for FYF or LTF Cards

    Other Details:

    • HDFC Bank has the sole right to determine and approve credit limit as per internal credit policy and guidelines.


    • Issuance of the credit card is subject to completeness of verified customer data and approval on the credit card application
    • Offers are only applicable to the recipient(s) communicated by HDFC Bank.


    FD backed CC digital journey T&Cs-

    a) Minimum FD amount required is Rs.15,000/-.

    b) Credit limit allocation is at 90% of FD value which is subject to change basis Bank's discretion.

    c) Customer must be a Primary account holder. If FD account is on firm name, Sole Proprietor can apply for credit card

    d) FD to be free from lien & not be linked to any sweep-in/super saver account

