Deals & Offers /  Special Deals /  Payzapp  /   BEHROUZ BIRYANI

Get 30% off up to Rs.125 on orders above Rs 249 using PayZapp UPI

Starts   On: 01-07-2023
Expires On: 30-09-2025
Offer Posting Date: 31-03-2024

    Get 30% off up to Rs.125 on orders above Rs 249 using PayZapp UPI

    1. Add your choice of products to Behrouz Biryani cart

    2. Apply Coupon Code “INBB30” and proceed to check-out page

    3. Check-out using your PayZapp UPI handle/ VPA i.e. PayZapp linked mobile number followed by “@pz”

    1. Place your online order at

    2. Select items of your choice.

    3. Apply the promo code INBB30.

    4. Fill out the required address details.

    5. Choose the payment option.

    6. Click on checkout. Pay using UPI and enter your PayZapp VPA to complete payment

    7. Offer applicable via PayZapp UPI VPA or PayZapp handle i.e. mobile-number@pz

    8. Kindly get in touch with brands customer support for any queries with coupon code or offer redemption.

    9. HDFC Bank or PayZapp is solely communicating the offer and is in no way responsible for the offer usage, offer applicability or user's experience with the brand partner
